The home teeth whitening methods are well known and accessible to the public, but even though the longer-term impact will result in much more modern and less time on the LED whitening light. The LED lamp technology is becoming more widespread and cheap.
The teeth whitening with this technique provides immediate, highly visible results, which is still next to him says that under controlled conditions, dental surgery done. The results of teeth whitening can be seen up to 5 years, and has only once need to visit the dentist. The major treatment care at Fogabc is needed, it does not hurt to make use of the familiar, reliable, reputable dentistry.
The LED side-effects brought about by light therapy can not get the medicine, but what is important is that for 3-5 days after treatment is recommended to avoid foods and drinks containing colorings consumption, smoking, use of lipstick, and greater care should be paid to oral hygiene.
The LED lamp whitening soft tissues ínyvédő covered with foam, then bleached teeth whitening gel takes up a special doctor, this LED light illuminates. For the best results it needs three treatments, which sometimes takes 20 minutes. At the end of 4-8 treatments hint of color of the teeth whitening occurs. The active smokers the effect is not the same as non-smoking subjects, they need to be repeated every 2-3 years in the whitening treatment. Before the whitening of defective pads must be replaced, and the plaque is removed.
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